
Haul: It's Definitely Spring

Because all of a sudden I'm buying only things with flower pattern on it :)

But Helloooo to all of you! I'm alive and back from Torino and Genova. I have a billion pictures to show you, but first I have to crop, resize and correct the light on them... :) So expect them soon :)
It was magic. Torino is beautiful and I will be returning to it :) while Genova was a bit... blah.

So let's start with my haul:
Another scarf. This one I bought in Torino. :) Aaaand it has got flowers!

And  to my today's part of the haul:
A cute T-shirt, a dress, some nail polishes and a black blazer.

How the dress looks like:

And wedges. It was love at first sight.

 Now I have to go back to Zara to get  a pair of pants I didn't buy today. They were gorgeous! And another scarf :P

Here they are! The pants and yet another scarf :)

XOXO Parisky


Anja said...

Nice! :D sandalčki so mi še posebej všeč <3

fashionismyh2o said...

That scarf is gorgeous and the floral dress is so summery! Love it :)


Luana said...

I love these shoes! *.*

SanjaFashatude said...

Si kupla jaknico v stradivariusu!! Pridna, tako sem te učila :PPPP Drugače pa mi je oblekica ful lepa.. in še vedno sanjam uni tvoj moder šal :PPP

Cydonian said...

Those shoes are too adorable and so is the dress :) very cute, summery items!

Agnes said...

Those shoes are to die for! I'm jealous ;)

Unknown said...

Hvala Anja :)

fashionismyh2o: Thank you :)

Lullina: Thank you :)

Sanja: eggia... sm se spomnila :) bi šla še po temno modrega :) eee šal je zakon :P

Cydonian: Thank you. Yup, I'm getting ready for summer.

Agnes: Thank you ;))