
New Blog

Yes you heard it right! :D 

I finally took the big step and started my own photography blog and Facebook Fan page. I hope that this step will help me find models and potential costumers :)

So to hell with anonymity :P Because after all you all know how I look like and now you know my last name.

It's still very fresh, but I'll update them when I'll took new pics. 
You are really welcome to join me.

My photography blog. HERE
And my FB fan page. HERE

Helena aka XOXO Parisky


Maestra said...

Super! Te že imam v svojem RSSu in že komaj čakam nove fotke.
btw. tudi midva z dragim delava na art/photo blogu. ampak pssst... LOL

SanjaFashatude said...

lepo lepo, zdej bojo pa vsi vidli tvoje super fotografije :) js te bom rezervirala že zdej za mojo poroko :P da ne boš potem preveč nedostopna, ko boš slavna xD

Unknown said...

Maestra: Super in hvala! Ooo. Sporoči, ko bo stran postavljena :) ;)

Sanja: Hvala ;) Hahahahaaha! Optimistka :D A poroka bo tako daleč naprej? :P :D Pa deal :)