
OOTD: Very Simple


Lately it's so hot here it's not even funny anymore! And that's the main reason I'm dressing really plain as every necklace/accessories only makes you sweat :/

This is how I dressed for the final exam of Puppy Kindergarten. Really nothing special.

Don't mind that tail :P

Guess to who belongs that tail?
Here he is going to sleep.

Have a nice day! :)

XOXO Parisky


With love, Ana. said...

oo kir lep kuža- katere pasme pa je?
Outfit mi je tud všeč.
In pa morjeeee <3

Unknown said...

Hvala :) Mešanček je med staffordom, pit bullom in verjetno še kakšnim ovčarjem :)

With love, Ana. said...

Simpatičen je zelo ;)

. said...

Indeed very simple! But it looks good so hey =P

I find I can't accessorise either when its hot..it just sticks to you and is gross!

Is that from your place? The view looks BEAUTIFULLLLLLL. Did Pablo pass his exam?

Unknown said...

Hvala Ana ;)

Jian: Thank you hon :D
Yes it's just gross :P Maybe a ring and that's it :)
Yes, that's from my home :) Thaaank youuu :)
And finally, yessssss, Pablo passed! :D

Unknown said...

ma si lepa s to frizurco in hlače so mi tudi ful všeč!

Čestitaj Pablotu za uspešno opravljeno šolo :))

Clara Campelo said...

lovely blog!