
Look: Not Myself Tonight

Hello ;)

I know I'm late with this "news" but I've been bored and wanted to write something :P
I wanted to do some tags and post some blog awards (I know I got one recently) but couldn't find them. Damn! So if you gave me a blog award or tagged me, please let me know in the comments under this post.

So I wanted to talk about something. And what better that Christina Aguilera's latest video?
Can you imagine how hard was to actually see it like a  month after it has been released? Why? Because YouTube and other video pages won't show it, as it violates my country's copyright grounds. WTF??

Anyway I got to see at least some bits of it. I'm not really sure if I like it, but the makeup is amazing. I find it really funny how even two years ago nobody (people) even knew what ballet boots were (except for fetishists), but now you can see them in almost every music video (Beyonce, Lady Gaga and now Christina Aguilera). I actually like how fetish items are getting more and more popular (just look at the runways) as it looks interesting and it gives everything that wow ... wait is that... ? effect. Hahahahaaa ....

My favourite makeup in her video is that almost pinup look with red glitter lips and winged eyeliner on her eyes.

I have to do a makeup look inspired by that :D Expect it at the end of next month (exams).
So instead of a makeup look I did an inspired outfit look using pink instead of red (I just can't help it :P).
Not Myself Tonight

How do you like Christina's latest video?

XOXO Parisky


Eva said...

Oh, cool you have polyvore (:
me too , haha.

And that sucks that you can;t see the vid on youtube, etc. :(

Libby's Pink Vanity said...

Reading about restrictions of the Internet in your country makes me stop and consider that I AM lucky to be in the US.

I love, love your wardrobe look. Ahhh....Pink!!!

CherryColors said...

Helena, tole ti bo pomagalo: http://videos.onsmash.com/v/ffjgeKHvNs1zeKw7
Youtube je pa itak.. cuden!

SanjaFashatude said...

Čista kopija Lady Ga Ga Bad Romance... s tem, da Christina še svoja prfuma reklamira not.. kr neki.. meni ni všeč.
Bi pa imela te roza čevlčke :))))

Unknown said...

This is great! I love these Plyvore outfit sets :) I really like the fetishy aspect.

Maestra said...

Tudi meni je čisto preveč Lady Gaga kopija. Tisto s parfumom je pa čisto brez veze in totalno odveč. Nikakor ne gre v koncept. Fej. MUjoti so super in raznorazni crazy outfiti prav tako.
Komaj čakam na tvoj look. ;)

Unknown said...

Evaaaa: Yup, that pretty much sucks :/
Kimbery: Thank you and yes you're lucky but we're doing fine as well (except for this restriction)
Tamara: No, vsaj pol sem si pogledala :D
Sanja: Res je! Ja ampak tista reklama za parfum je totalno ... wtf??? Jst bi imela te roza čeveljčke in rokavičke in tisto zadevščino za na glavo (za fotkanje :D)
Lillian Funny Face: Thank you! I'm happy that someone loves them! I really wasn't sure :D
Maestra: Ja čista Lady Gaga kopija ... očitno pač vsi kopirajo kar se zdaj prodaja (Lady Gaga). Ampak ima to tudi pozitivno stran: vsaj malo bolj odštekani outfiti in makeup! Pred Lady Gaga sploh jih sploh nisi zasledil (razen McQueen). Tista parfuma pa kot sem že rekla, čista reklama. Hvala ;) Jaz tudi komaj čakam, da končajo izpiti in lahko začnem ustvarjat :D